Our patients know that we’re always looking for ways to help them look better and feel great. So late last year, we brought in some new and exciting medical aesthetic treatments at our clinic. You’re probably curious to know what they are and what they can do for you, right? Read on to find out!
Morpheus 8
I’m always on the lookout for a treatment that would help with sagging skin on the face and neck because those are the problem areas that my patients are most worried about. While on my search for the right treatment, I narrowed down my criteria. Whatever I ultimately chose had to:
- Be effective in achieving results
- Have long-lasting outcomes
- Have a strong safety profile
- Minimize the time it takes to heal
- Inflict as little pain as possible during the procedure
- Be reasonably priced for my clients
The Morpheus8 treatment met my criteria. It’s a combination of microneedling and targeted radiofrequency technology that encourages collagen production and skin cell turnover. The result? It’s really great at penetrating deep into your skin for a sleeker, smoother, and more contoured appearance.
Anyone who is noticing laxity in their skin—especially around the nasolabial folds, jawline (jowls), and neck. As always, there will be a medical assessment prior to the treatment to make sure the patient is a good candidate for this procedure.
I only offer treatments I would consider for myself. Of course, I want the Morpheus8 treatment too!
The Morpheus8 treatment is a great addition to a self-care plan for patients who want to decrease sagginess and wrinkles in the face and neck. It compliments other procedures that also treat wrinkles like Botox or filler. This treatment is solely focused on the skin so when I’m assessing a patient, I look for the main cause of their concerns. For example, if it’s due to volume loss, I’ll usually recommend filler. If it’s due to skin laxity, then I might recommend Morpheus8. If the problem stems from both volume loss and skin laxity, then I’ll recommend a combination of both treatments.
Forma Skin Tightening
I decided I wanted to upgrade my radiofrequency technology. My two criteria? The new treatment had to have great results and make my patients feel pampered. I was thrilled when I found Forma, a non-invasive and pain-free treatment that can tighten the forehead, upper and lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, jowls, and neck.
Because Forma uses cutting-edge bipolar technology, it requires less energy to generate heat, penetrates targeted tissue only, and results in a very comfortable—dare I say relaxing!—treatment.
This treatment is also unique because it is one of the only procedures I offer that doesn’t cause discomfort. Some of my patients are not keen on treatments that might hurt or require post-procedure downtime. Others are worried about unnatural-looking results. That’s where Forma comes in.
Though the Morpheus8 treatment is more powerful in its results, Forma can also give your skin a lovely, smooth glow without pain or downtime.
In my opinion, Forma is a great pick-me-up with low risk, no pain, and no downtime.
Anyone who is over the age of 28 who is noticing laxity in their skin would benefit from this treatment. It’s the perfect preventative procedure to start in your late 20s or early 30s, right when the collagen in your skin starts to decrease. Forma is for patients who truly embrace self-care and will put themselves first as initially, it is a time commitment: 8 weekly treatments, followed by one treatment every 4 months.
Lumecca IPL
Intense Pulsed Light, better known as IPL, has always played an important role in my medical aesthetic practice. Since the technology had really improved over the years, I wanted to upgrade to Lumecca. The outcome? A safer, more comfortable, and more effective experience for my patients. Ultimately, that means fewer treatments to achieve greater results than in the past.
The skin rejuvenation technology of Lumecca allows me to treat many skin types and conditions like rosacea or sun damage—in a few sessions (instead of the four to six treatments you might expect with other standard IPL devices) because it delivers up to three times more energy.
I love Lumecca because it gives a wonderful glow-up to your skin with minimal discomfort and downtime.
That said, IPL is only effective for people with lighter skin types (I to III on the Fitzpatrick scale). Sun exposure, for fairer people, can make their skin look dull and aged. They’ll often develop pigment spots, redness, and visible small blood vessels on their face and neck. A Lumecca treatment to minimize these problems makes patients look more radiant and healthy. The initial treatment plan requires three procedures and maintenance treatments every six to twelve months.
If you’re curious to learn more about these new and effective treatments or any other services offered at Be Beautiful Medical, reach out to us.